Grandmas Robust Molasses


....OK, Ive been searching and searching and Im finding all different kinds of grow in a Promix, in 5 gallon buckets, using only Jacks Classic Duo, R/O water, feed every 5-7 days, 1000 watt light. I just got me some Grandmas Robust Molasses....when is the RIGHT time to start using it and when do you stop??


Well-Known Member
I grow Organic, and use molasses on occasion. I tend to use it early on to feed microbes, and Use it again about a week or so after flowering starts. That's about it really. I don't think there are really any other benefits other than feeding microbes and adding carbs for when the plant slows photosynthesis.

But that's just my opinion... and this is a topic that can and has been discussed for years.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
you can add molasses for the whole grow. It feeds microbes in the soil, which break down OM into plant available nutrients. Photosynthesis has nothing to do with it


Becorath, I know this has been discussed for years. Ive heard people only do it once in bloom, never in veg, throughout whole grow and only use it when during flushing......thats why Im soo damn confused lol.....but thanks for the reply from both of you guys

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
....Ive also heard it does nothing for the plants and they dont benefit at all...

It doesn't do much for the plant. Granted molasses contains a little bit of nitrogen and potassium, but the main benefit are the carbohydrates which feed the soil microflora. Then the microflora in turn help make food available to the plant.


Well-Known Member
Well, lol. Whatever it does, I know all my ladies sure love the hell outta of it!
And for that very reason, I feed them every watering with a light mixture "1tbsp" to a gln
Of water, during vegging. And I use "2 tbsp" per gln of water during the flowering phase.
"Grandma's" good ol' molasses, works 4 me! ;) later guys & happy 420.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I start about 2 weeks after the seeds pop and I've transplanted them once. I use it until the flush just before harvest. The best is black-strap unsulphured molasses.


Well-Known Member
Dankster.....does it help with flavor...yield....bud harness...???

it feed the soil not the plant but if the soil is good you have a better chance at really great smelling and tasting weed, and I don't know if its the strain but my nugs are very hard.


^^^^niiiiice!!!....I'm lookin fwd to seeing/tasting the results...I'm growing SAGE...I was getting 3-4 fluffy oz per plant...we'll see if it'll make a difference. I'm doin a perpetual grow, just fed 4 ladies in their 5th week the molasses...gonna continue til chop...I'll letcha know how it goes


Well-Known Member
Dankster.....does it help with flavor...yield....bud harness...???

Hell yes it does! ;) this is the exact reasons I do use it through out my entire grow.
Now with the taste, I've did a trial run, and had 2 plants side by side, & used it on only
One of the ladies, & both the same strain also. The one that didn't have it, it was
Harsher smoke. Its buds where more fluffy & whispy. And they where not as dense
As the plant that had the molasses! So yes, I would have to say that it infact does help
With the compactness of your buds, also yeild as well. And the taste it has a sugary
Taste. Just make sure you cure your buds for the correct amount of time, & you should
Be cherry. ;) hope that helps big dog. Later & happy 420.


Well-Known Member
also, just thought of this while sampling the new vortex grow. :-)

The plant stores carbs in the roots as a food reserve.
Microbes need the carbs to thrive.
Feed the microbes or they may nibble at your plants roots.
If your plants don't have to feed the microbes, they put more energy into the fruits.


Well-Known Member
PLEASE go find "organic unsulphured molasses" in MI its available at meijer. its a few bucks more than granny's for good reason tho... lots of different nutes. lemme go find my brand. "Wholesome sweetners" (brand) "Organic Molasses" good source of: Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium. good stuff. about 6 -7 dollars.


Well-Known Member
I am using Grandma's natural unsulphured molasses only in flower though to increase bud swell and hardness. First time using it so we will see if it makes a difference. I can do 1 NYD with molasses and one without to see if there is a difference since I have 3 of them.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go against the grain and say it doesn't do much except flavor your end product. Have done quite a few runs with it. My last grow I used none and the buds came out awesome. Better then when using it. I do think it probably helps when making teas. It certainly gets things foamy. My current run i'm doing 6 plants in soil one of them is going to be fed with molasses during all of flower to see if there is a difference. I figure by the time it actually breaks down the grow is almost over anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go against the grain and say it doesn't do much except flavor your end product. Have done quite a few runs with it. My last grow I used none and the buds came out awesome. Better then when using it. I do think it probably helps when making teas. It certainly gets things foamy. My current run i'm doing 6 plants in soil one of them is going to be fed with molasses during all of flower to see if there is a difference. I figure by the time it actually breaks down the grow is almost over anyway.
personally ive grown clones next to each other with and w/o molasses and it doesnt change the flavor much at all. not IMO. it feeds microbes, and it has lots of nutes.