great lights for growing


New Member
T5 Floro for seedlings and clones, MH for veg and hps for flower. Get a digital ballast they burn both MH and HPS. If you want the best run both red and blue spectrums at the same. Seems like the ratio was 2:1 red:blue and run it the whole time veg and flower.


Well-Known Member
The best lights are MH for veg and HPS for flower. Flouros also work...T-5, CFL etc...

That is only my personal opinion and I am sure you will get some CFL guru's tell you that CFL's work just as good.


Well-Known Member
Cfls or Flouros for seedlings , MH for veg, and HPS for bud that's all ya need to get great buds period.:weed:
For first time Indoor grow Use CFL Env lite 250w veg veg (ebay blue £40) and 250w for Flow (ebay red £40), easy peezy, 1 box atleast 5ft tall by 1/2 meter square, stery soil, big plant pot, rain water. EASY!!


Well-Known Member
There is alot of talk about whitch lights are best for what part of the growing cycle but h.p.s can not be beaten hands down.But don't just assume that if you buy a nice hps light you will grow shit loads of weed you need to partner this up with a good grow room.Make sure that you get the right size light for the area that you are growing in or you will have nothing but trouble.The most important thing you will need is a good exaust fan that will pull air out of the area that you intend to have has the grow room,pref into a lot space.And then a secondary fan that will pull air into a carbon scrubber.ossalateing fans shit loads of things to think about.But you have done something that not alot do just got a light and thought here comes the weed forward planning is key to growing and if it takes a year to save for everything you will need better than growing harf ounce per plant you want large yeilds bro or it is just not worth the risk.And the head aches that you will have if you don't have the right gear.If you have never grown before ever then i would get a 250 watt hps you can easy get away with useing two bathroom extractor fans for this one light you will only beable to grow a couple of plants but the yeiled will keep you in gear for a while.Along with this buy 2 4 ft flouresents have these on chains get one warm daylight tube and one cool for cloneing you can easy keep a mother happy under these if you keep here well pruned and a nice propagator with your next batch in.