Great Smoking Tool!!


I was recently flipping thru the pages of High Times magazine and saw a little ad in the corner
It was for "Hemp Lights", it intrigued me and I decided to look into it
Looked cool, and most importantly I could afford it. so i ordered myself one

Let me tell you, one of the best smoking toys Ive got since a vaporizer.
its freakin awesome!
Ive always love using hemp wicks when lighting up, but they're so damn inconvienent; not anymore!!
With the hemp light, the hemp and lighter are one piece; meaning you can light, and extinguish the wick, with one hand while holding yer bowl in the other!!!

its super slick. costs about $5 and $2 for shipping.
good investment, i use it alllll the time
and its much better for ya than smoking with butane (and tasiter, oh God is it much tastier)

Check 'em out!
-=={> Hemp Lights <}==-
Get yourselfs one, you will use a hempwick muchhhh more!