Green Clean Preventative Spray


Well-Known Member
Bought some Green Clean at the recommendation of a friend who does a commercial grow. He said I should start spraying my plants regularly even if I do not see anything.

Does it make sense to be spraying something that may be unnecessary? Or is it better to just be preventative.

His situation is obviously different. I do not have a single bug on my sticky strip.
If you have no evidence of pests, why treat what isn't there? I'm all for preventative maintenance but why go to the expense if you don't see any signs of trouble?
Bought some Green Clean at the recommendation of a friend who does a commercial grow. He said I should start spraying my plants regularly even if I do not see anything.

Does it make sense to be spraying something that may be unnecessary? Or is it better to just be preventative.

His situation is obviously different. I do not have a single bug on my sticky strip.
Greetings, I can understand blanket spraying commercial grow rooms cause they are full of critters constantly. Another reason 'home grown' is better.

Don't get me wrong PM is great.


Mites are 'The Borg' and they modulate their shields pretty quick to attacks then over run you. I wouldn't start spraying until I saw the cube for sure then it's multi pronged offensive every 3 days for two weeks so they can't adapt.

PS kill the ants that heard/carry the mites into the grow space in the first place. No ride, no mites