Green crack!!!


Well-Known Member
12 cuttings from my friend last week. under t-5 48 watt, 1 red, 3 blue. hand fed once a day. sitting in a plug clone tray in rock wool plugs. any suggestions? any advice on when to transplant, to what...what nutrients would be ok to use this early to help supplement the leaves yellowing and dying. Also when they look about dead, do plants come back alive ever? Wondering if I should throw the dead looking ones away or keep em around for a miracle resurrection. Is it ok and healthy for the plants to be trimmed? (i.e) like the yellowing dying fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
week 3 update:

upgraded to 1 x 1000 watt MH + 3 gallon pots. Fox Farm Happy Frog, Ocean Forest, Roots Organic Coco. Hand fed 1/2 gallon between 12 plants of water with general organics grow kit. Pictures coming soon.


Well-Known Member
Indeed it is an excellent strain. If those haven't rooted yet might I add to make sure the leaves stay moist? Keep those clones in a humidity dome if possible.


Well-Known Member
Week 1 started in humidity dome in rock wool plugs + multi site tray. Hand fed once a day under T-5 Sun Beam New Wave Fluros light set up, 3 blue 1 red, 24 hours. Last few days of 2 weeks it was 18/6 to experiment vegetative growth. They seem to grow more as the lights continue to be on, faster. Know one will really know except the plant itself, maybe seek it and find out? Who knows? I will stick to tradition and grow plants the normal way, through seeking answers here on the forums, posting pics and making sure me and everyone else watching the grow seems its healthy, and what I can improve on. Hope to get you guys some. Anyways have week 1 we upgraded to home depot soil in red party cups under the lights, sometimes on 24 and sometimes 18/6. Fed a little more water as the cups were bigger. Week 3 we upgraded them from cups to 3 gallon pots with Fox Farm Ocean, Happy Frog and Roots Organic Coco mix. The previous pics to these were during week 1, no pics for week 2, and here it is for week 3. The upgrade from T5 to 1000 W MH Eye Hortilux veg bulb really made a difference in growth speed, rate, and the whole nine yards. I am watering once a day, 1 gallon of water mixed with general organics go box recommended mix between 12 plants. The picture of a 2 day old seedling already 2 inches in length we are getting ready to transplant it to the 3 gallon pot with the rest of the ladies and see her pass them up. I am predicting the seedling, as healthy as it is looking, will pass the clones up in growth, if so I will always buy seeds because I will get more of a plant from seed, it would be worth a few more weeks. I will still take clones from these 12 plants after vegging them for a month and then I will flower the main cola, maybe thinking about topping these mothers after a month of veg to get 2-4 colas and then flower for 90-120 days and see what I come up with. That is the plan for now. Enjoy the show.



Well-Known Member
Week 1 started in humidity dome in rock wool plugs + multi site tray. Hand fed once a day under T-5 Sun Beam New Wave Fluros light set up, 3 blue 1 red, 24 hours. Last few days of 2 weeks it was 18/6 to experiment vegetative growth. They seem to grow more as the lights continue to be on, faster. Know one will really know except the plant itself, maybe seek it and find out? Who knows? I will stick to tradition and grow plants the normal way, through seeking answers here on the forums, posting pics and making sure me and everyone else watching the grow seems its healthy, and what I can improve on. Hope to get you guys some. Anyways have week 1 we upgraded to home depot soil in red party cups under the lights, sometimes on 24 and sometimes 18/6. Fed a little more water as the cups were bigger. Week 3 we upgraded them from cups to 3 gallon pots with Fox Farm Ocean, Happy Frog and Roots Organic Coco mix. The previous pics to these were during week 1, no pics for week 2, and here it is for week 3. The upgrade from T5 to 1000 W MH Eye Hortilux veg bulb really made a difference in growth speed, rate, and the whole nine yards. I am watering once a day, 1 gallon of water mixed with general organics go box recommended mix between 12 plants. The picture of a 2 day old seedling already 2 inches in length we are getting ready to transplant it to the 3 gallon pot with the rest of the ladies and see her pass them up. I am predicting the seedling, as healthy as it is looking, will pass the clones up in growth, if so I will always buy seeds because I will get more of a plant from seed, it would be worth a few more weeks. I will still take clones from these 12 plants after vegging them for a month and then I will flower the main cola, maybe thinking about topping these mothers after a month of veg to get 2-4 colas and then flower for 90-120 days and see what I come up with. That is the plan for now. Enjoy the show.
hey Clamil - nice going grow - they look much better now than when they were in the clone tray - I must say though - does not look like green crack! Sorry - but those look more sative - I have harvested 4 or 5 dozen green crack plants in my time.... and yours do not look like mine.... ?? Are you sure these are green crack? It IS a great strain! but it is indica.... not sativa...... IDK.
