Hello growers I'm new on here and new to growing,I'm on my first grow at the minute its big bang going ok have 3 on the go 6 weeks into flowering.My general question is has anyone grew big bang 2 I have some seeds on order from rhino seeds.Is the germination easier than the first big bang i had 5 seeds and only got 3 to germinate sorry about the spelling please bear with me.They are alot more money than big bang 1 they are £30 for 5 don't want to waste me money on just getting one or two to please help me.I will post some picks on here of my girlys but they aren't in that much of good shape due to a major ph problem due to hard water down my neck of the woods.I feed them from seedling just water and now they are paying for it i have finely got them under control but i dont think my yield will be good,anyway less me chatting are let you pros tell what you think thanks and happy growing and look forward to a reply