Green house outdoor + question


hi there, I'm new to growing and I want to know what some people think of my outdoor set up. here it is:
also I water my plants every 2 days they are still quite young, I have them in 2L containers. My mates have said every 2 to 3 days but I would like to hear from some pros thanks!



Well-Known Member
cool greenhouse man. your pots are larger than I would start my seeds in - at that size you probably don't need to water every 2 days unless your temp is way high and your humidity way low - not likely in a greenhouse.

I am terrible at knowing how much water to give plants at any stage in life, but I really struggle with that tender, early stage. so what I like to do is start the seeds in clear 12 oz cups. this way you can see both the developing root system, so you will know when it's time to transplant, but you will also be able to see how much moisture remains in the soil. now, you don't want your roots getting light on them, so you want to slide the clear cup into an opaque cup - and you can just pull out the clear cup out whenever you want to check yer roots. 2 cups might be too much of a pain in the butt for some folks but they're so cheap I don't mind. good luck!