His question was; Will his green leds make his plants revert from flowering.Green Light Drives Leaf Photosynthesis More Effi ciently than
Red Light in Strong White Light: Revisiting the Enigmatic
Question of Why Leaves are Green
Green light according to this journal HAS an effect on plants.. Im not saying that what people say is WRONG just they need to have research to back what they deem to be FACT.. and fact is green light does effect plants.
YES thank you!Why do you have to mess with them t night? Better to let them sleep
You have a strange way of comprehending the written word - nowhere did he mention flowering or reverting for that matter.His question was; Will his green leds make his plants revert from flowering.
Thanks Tranquil! Dont drink the kool-aid people.. educate yourself on the topics!You have a strange way of comprehending the written word - nowhere did he mention flowering or reverting for that matter.
Do you just make shit up as you go along ... sheesh !!!
Well according to the following people green light DOES in fact affect plant growth..You two are fools if you didn't understand him.
He wanted to know if the green leds would allow him to work in the garden without disturbing his plants.
The only time this would matter is during flowering, when regular light could tell the plants to revert to vegatative state.
Why don't you two educate yourself on topics first?
Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check that one outGreen Light Drives Leaf Photosynthesis More Effi ciently than
Red Light in Strong White Light: Revisiting the Enigmatic
Question of Why Leaves are Green
Green light according to this journal HAS an effect on plants.. Im not saying that what people say is WRONG just they need to have research to back what they deem to be FACT.. and fact is green light does effect plants.
Thanks for the replyHis question was; Will his green leds make his plants revert from flowering.
All I can say is that a green incandescent will run you about a dollar.
And you shouldn't get expensive lights to work at night, when the plants are scheduled for rest.
Also you shouldn't have to spend much time there during night, especially every day.
I vote just get an incandescent.
I'm sorry I don't know if your LEDs will trigger vegatative growth.
Also if you turn the lights on for a minute or two they technically shouldn't revert.
Could be wrong, I'm personally way to scared to even risk it.
Thanks manIt's fine. it will work just fine. used both myself.
I'll be chill too, so don't take offense;" when regular light could tell the plants to revert to vegatative state."
If you kept them on a week or 2 of constant veg lighting they will revert but light leaks/interruptions are not enough to cause it to revert. The problem with light cycle interruptions and light leaks is it can/will cause your plant to go hermie. You've misunderstood what youve read/been told somewhere. no offense meant.
I agree the only reason I posted that link is because the topic was green LED's and that links shows that people use LEDs for that exact purpose being disscussed. There seemed to be some slight confusion as weather LEDs are viable. I use a 3 dollar green cfl party bulb from home depot for 4bucks.Oh and don't buy a $10 light to work on the garden at night, a green incandescent will work just fine, really.
Friend, you are wrong.yeah i did. your saying a plant given an hour of dark during the night in a pattern would make it revert to veg. Which is not the case.