Green llight SUPER BLOOM

I went to lowes tonight and picked up super bloom. Its a 12-55-6 with .10% Chelated iron. I gave my flowering plants a 1/2 strenth dosage. It says to give every 10-14 days? If I did/stay at half dose can I give once a week? Below is a pic of my girl that I need to fill out, I'm not sure how much time she has left, it could be 5 days or 3 weeks. But I need her to fill out all she is right now is leaves. She had a 15-30-15 and I was told that was way to much nitro. So please let me know what y'all think, will she put the weight on? IMG_20121027_093235.jpg. Ps she's outside in the pic but she is an indoor girl.
that shit is SUPER HOT. Be careful. Id go 1/3rd power at first and bump it to half. She should start to beef up but id personally go 1/4power with that Supoer Bloom and 1/4 dose of a good grow nute like MAxigro
I checked on them this morning and it did look like the one older looks burnet a little bit but looks great onther then that. All I I have other then that is the 15-30-15. I gave it to a few plants that are only a week into flowering and I. Saw there first hairs this morning so I'm guessing this shit worked and its only 10 bucks at lowes.
It does work good and it can be a little hot but the thing to watch out for is it really drops your PH! Add a teaspoon to 1 gallon of water PH'ed to 7.5 and it'll drop it to 4. Just something to keep in mind if used continuously.