green o matic growing very slow


New Member
DSCF4220.jpgDSCF4221.jpgHi guys new here & this is my first grow & my girls seem to have stoped growing fast, i think i stunned growth by overwatering, any idea how long that could last?

I'm starting with 2 GOM with 6 cfl's, lights are only a few inches away from plants, both plants are in Kickalong organic potting mix

I dont have a soil PH tester but i do have a fish one, at first i was using the town water, but once i tested it was about 7.5, so i checked our rain water tank & it was about 7 so i flushed the pots with it

now both plants have very droopy leaves & growing has all but stoped, any idea how long this could last?

oh almost forgot their like 13 days old, the pic is of the smaller one

kind reagrds


Well-Known Member
They look like they are drowning a bit, you need to get some perlite in there to aid in drainage.( 20% or so) The soil looks very heavy, and that is rough on the babies.

Peace and Great Grows



Active Member
I'm also growing GOM for the 7TH TIME! the first 6 attempts failed, it is a very sensitive plant imo. Best thing to do is put some perlite into the soil, water when the soil feels dry at the top inch or so, and dont feed nutes till they are older.


New Member
Any more ideas? Plzz help guys, gunna be so cut if my girls die, should i move them into perlite now or is it to late?