Greeneyedbandit's 1st grow


Active Member
Well, hear I go with my first ever attemp at growing the all sacred cannabis plant. Thanks to these forums I have been able to gather alot of information to try to do this right and reap the fruits of my labor afterwards. I would appreciate any help along the way. Its been about two weeks since I started some seeds that I got off seedbay (CH9 Aroma female with some Original Haze x Skunk #1 and some sort of Kush from a sack). I have about six seedings that are looking pretty good from what I can see. The biggest out of them is the HazeXSkunk. following that is the CH9 Aroma feminized seeds (3) which are about five days younger. And there are two kush seeds I found in my stash. Right now they are at two weeks into veg under 48 watt T5 lighting and will be transferred under a 400w HPS lamp in a couple of months. Its bein a greuling minute trying to gather all the equipment I need for my "lil project" and concoct ideas on how to build my cab and deciding on where am I going to have it situated but I believe it will all pay off in the end. The lil seedlings are sitting in some Fox Farm ocean forest soil mix which to my understanding has quite a bit of NPK and other nutrients enough to start them off but I plan on feeding them in a couple more weeks probably with the Fox Farm line. I've always wanted to know how the T5 lights would do so here's my chance to find out and maybe my experience with using them would give you folks an idea of how well or how not so well they do the job. So thats what it is and I will definitely keep things updated for those of you here at RIU who are actually checking this out. Peace:leaf:

From sprouting (Under a T5 striplight)

sprouting upclose:

The batch under T5 hopefully these lights fulfill my expectations:

Sam the skunkman's original HazexSkunk#1

Here's an outside pic now going on two weeks:

CH9 Aromas #1 & #2:

In the closet (But hopefully femmes)

More to come but as for now my concern is that the first leaves of the HxS1 are yellowing a bit. Im thinking Nitrogen deficiency but Im open to advice. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Okay so I think it's been about two weeks since my first post on this journal and I am happy to report that all six plants that I have vegging (2 OG Kush, 3 Ch9 Aromas, 1 Haze x Skunk #1) are still alive and flourishing some of them scare me at times when they droop. I still haven't read about why that happens but I will get to it when I have some more free time at work. The tallest of them would be the Haze/Skunk; the second is Aroma #1, with #2 & 3 coming in at about one of the Kush plants, which leaves the smallest of the group to be the last kush plant (just so you can decifer which plant's which.) The first few pics were taken earlier this week probably last wed. the 8th which is when I got the Canna nutrients. I know I mentioned that I probably was gonna go with foxfarm nutes but I decided to try out the Canna Terra line which I was recommended by the hydro store I purchased from. I'm hoping for the best with all this. The last few were taken today (sunday) which you will be able to identify with the black pots that I have transplaned the biggest plants in.
The only problems I encountered were the burnt tips on the Haze/Skunk plant which I think is a nute burn since I started feeding on Tuesday. I'll try to ease up on the feeding. There's also the drooping on the bigger kush plant (2nd farthest left) and on the H/S which you will notice in the pics. Any input about how they are coming along for close to 30 days is welcome at any point in this journey. Peace



Active Member
Well it's been a minute since I've posted an update but all is going great with this first grow. The Haze/Skunk and the Biggest Aroma (these are the two largest plants) have been placed into flowering while the two other Aroma plants and the two Kush plants are going on two months veg. I placed the H/S and Aroma into flowering on Tues. Nov 4 and they showed sex after a month and a half. Actually it took almost the whole two months for the Haze to show but there definitely were those little pods with the two white hairs protruding out on each node of the Aroma plants and the Haze/Skunk. I will continue the veg the 2 Aromas and 2 kush until the weekend. Things are just pretty hectic right now and Im trying to organized what I have to do with these suckers. Anyway I'll give a bit more info about whats been happening in a little bit, but for now...the pics. :the first few pics are about 1 month in veg for the h/s and Aroma(1) and the rest are about 3 weeks old.

This pic shows the lst on the haze plant with the aroma in the back.

More of that LST on the Haze

This is the Aroma (1) which was also LST'd

Kush 1 & 2 on top and Aroma 2 & 3 bottom (these plants are actually bigger now but I just wanted to show how they looked three weeks ago)

The family under the T5 lamp so far its doing me justice. quite happy with it actually.

Next post: pics of the two big girls right before flowering. PEACE!


Active Member
Ok so here are the pics of the Haze plant and CH9 Aroma right before I took them to an undisclosed location for flowering.

The Haze was a little over a foot tall here: probably about 14 inches tall and the Aroma was at about a foot.

another view

Im glad I LST'd her because now the lower branches are just as tall as the main stem. hopefully that translates to more colas.

This one, the Aroma, took off in growth after transplanting into those square pots. these were just transplanted into these 2 gallon pots.

another back to back pic of the two. I kind of let go on the lsting after a while, but it's definitely had its effects on the plants.

More updates on the way.