Active Member
I'm a nooB grower here, but have been successfully gardening for most of my adult life, and was wondering if using my greenhouse was a good idea. I don't have to worry about nosey neighbors or passerby's as I live in a remote area. It seems most people have an indoor setup, but I was curious if anyone has done well with a greenhouse. All my non-MJ plants grow really well in there, but they get a lot of light (only 8hrs of darkness, not 12 as recommended for MJ). I'd like to keep the from getting too conspicuously tall in there. When they're more established and ready to flower, should I move them into my garage when it's time for their 12hrs. of darkness? I live in the south, is a garage with a fan still too hot? Bring them inside? I'm really excited to grow, and want this to go as well as possible. I've spent hours reading a lot of helpful forums here and can't decide what would be easiest, or most successful for a first timer. A friend gave me some seeds and I have 6 starters roughly 2.5 inches in height, and another 4 that are breaking the surface of their soil-- but I don't know the strains, and hope that they're all female(wishful thinking I'm sure). Any hints, tips, or advice is much appreciated. Thanks!