I bought and installed a greenhouse a month ago. First time with a greenhouse , and first time having dedication to growing cannibas. I run a small barn fan 24/7. Lastnight I notices white mold/mildew on the ground so I poured some vingegar on it. It did nothing. The greenhouse condensates every morning, I have 1 vent open and leave the door half cracked. When I installed the greenhouse I washed the panels and inside, my water leaves white calcium scum and I left soap scum behind not thinking it was a big deal figures it would eventually condensate and on the ground (which it hasn't its still water stained unless it's mold forming)? Now leading up to my big question and stressful concern. This morning condensation fell from the ceiling onto my cannibas leaf I tried to shake it off but it stayed. 10 hrs later I arrived home from work and exactly where the water had fell it dried up and looks what appears to be white mold/ powdery mildew. Or is this nutes or salts? It looks just like white mildew...... can this form and appear that fast? Is the mildew on my floor evaporating and falling onto my plants? My plants are to big to take out of the greenhouse. Do I wipe and disinfect everything? How do I do this with my plants still in greenhouse? How do I remove the white mildew on the ground? I'm worried for my crop, I can't remove from greenhouse this is my cover from neighbors. Please I need top notch advice. Thanks