greenview all purpose plant food


Active Member
  • 7-7-7 (Nitrogen, Phosphate, Sulfate)

any one have any experience with this ?? i have an unopened bag of this and wasnt sure if i should feed it to my plant or says its a blend of conventional & organic fertilizers

my plant is in 7 weeks veg. my attempt is to make this grow organic & $$free
i never fed the plants any nutes tho
however i use powderd eggshells mix with pond water(that i hav in a garbage can with dozens of goldfish in it)
i used coffee grinds in the soil as well for the N factor

will this greenview fertilizer help ?
& ive been looking but if you have any compost tea nonbrew recipes let me know
thank you dawgs n doggettes
p.s dont tell me urine:hump: