Greetings and Salutations..


Active Member
My name is Robert. I'm a drug war vet who is finally decided to come out of the closet. I've spent decades fighting on the front lines of the US drug war, doing my part to help overgrow the planet. I started in 1993, as a way to not have to buy weed. Lack of info (no internet then) meant steep learning curve and serial plant murdering on an epic scale, but i eventually got the hang of it. I steadily climbed the food chain and before the 20th century was over, i was running commercial ops. To me, cannabis is a hallowed plant that i have limitless respect for. It's not only kept a roof over my head and put food on the table, but I've seen with my own eyes how weed improves people's lives and I've seen it heal the sick. I've always put the plant first and my focus is on providing the highest quality product for the end-user that i can, rather than just making money. I've been blessed (and lucky) to have thrived in multiple states, even during the height of the Drug War. But I've grown older and the years have began to weigh on me. I've grown tired of the lone-wolf drug warrior lifestyle. I'm sick of the hiding, I'm tired of living a double life, but most of all, I'm tired of lying to my family and friends.
So i'm finally transitioning from the solid black, to the light-gray market. Also, I figure i should become more openly involved in the worldwide community, and RollItUp is, from what i'm told, a great place to do just that..

I've been underground for so long that i have almost no knowledge of current affairs.. I'm here to Learn from you guys (i have no idea what sort of cutting edge techniques y'all be doing nowadays), share my knowledge w/ you guys and basically get caught up on what's all been going on in the cannabis world.

Thanks for allowing me to join your community. Cheers