grow an autoflower while vegging some clones


Active Member
Hey there, I got some early wonder skunk seeds that are about 6-8 weeks for a finish seed to bud. My gf wants to get some clones n put a couple in our grow cabinet. I was wondering if I can just put the clones on a 20/4 cycle for the duration of the autoflowers while the clones are vegging then when their done turn them to flower also.



Yep I've done the same thing. Got 13 autos growing with 9 normal's. My only worry is the non autos are going to be massive in 8 weeks time when I begin to flower. So if u have a limit in space keep that in mind. Maybe plant the non autos about 3/4 weeks into ur grow. I'm now wishing I had done this lol. Good luck on ur grow m8.


Well-Known Member
i am doing it now. i got 14 auto's that 24 days old and 5 regulars that are about a week old and i am about to put them with the auto's