Grow autos with reg? 12/12?


I've found myself in a bit of a dilemma,

I have 4 auto seeds (3 strains). They were a promo freebee.

I've never grown an auto flowering strain and thought it would be a cool experience. However, I purchased regular (photosyn) seeds that I picked specifically.

I have 3 tents

20"x30" clone/seedling mini tent
2x3 veg tent
4x4 flowering tent

All of which have just recently been put up. aka there's nothing currently growing in them.

I planned to germinate 4 auto seeds and 3 regular on Monday, Keep them a week in the seedling tent after they sprout, then move them to the flowering tent simply because there is nothing else growing in there and I can run them 20/4 or 18/6 under the ceramic metal halide and led mix until its time to flower.

(My veg tent is currently only made up of large CFLs and one cheapo LED so if I can utilize the nicer lights in the flowering tent for the time being I thought why not?) I do plan to upgrade the lighting in there within the next month.

But then I got to thinking about the fact that I'm going to run into the situation in a month or two where the auto flowering plants are already flowering and my regulars are ready to go into 12/12..

Is it going to be an issue for the autos if I flip them to 12/12 after they've already started flowering?
should I just hold off and grow the autos at another time when I can dedicate the flowering room light schedule to what suits them?

My whole "excitement" about growing them was the idea that I could have a harvest quicker, That they could be flowering while my other plants are still getting bigger in a vegetative state. I want to grow in a SOG method and have a constant rotation of clone-veg-flower so I can't dedicate any of my grow tents to them specifically and being that my veg tent is so small it will be hard to flower them in there and be rotating clones in and out of it.

thanks guyz


Well-Known Member
you could start the autos earlier then when they start to flower put in the photos then when you harvest autos flip the photos to 12/12


Well-Known Member
You could also use the autos life cycle as the photo veg period if you wanted to top and lst for more even growth.


thank you all

I will take that advice and get the autos started then pop the other seeds once the autos are starting flowering

I want to give the autos a fair chance under their respected light cycle and that will allow me to time to veg my others efficiently without getting in to big of a hurry to start budding