grow box question


Well-Known Member
:leaf: sup yall newbi grower here:leaf:

hello im planing on grow some MJ plants with a hydro grow sun speaker i found on the net need to know if this box size is big enough for 6 plants and if the light is good enough.
150 wat hps
the size of box is 20"x54"x12" (WxHxD) has 6 spaces for 6 plants built in cooler system hydro growcomes with nukes

Is this grow box big enough for 6 mJ plants plan on growing mostly INDICA strains cuase they dont grow big if im not wrong.And is a 150 watt hps good enough for 6 plants

Any help would be very useful thx happy growing:weed:


Well-Known Member
150w is enough to light that area well is possible to grow the 6 plants in that set up with a maximum veg time of about a will want to go with a very indica dominant plant...