Grow box - which light do I use?


New Member
Hey guys I just ordered northern lights auto flower seeds from seedsman.
And I am planning on building a grow box with styrofoam/thermocol. Wanted to know if the heat from the light would burn the styrofoam?

The following are the lights I can afford. Please tell me the best one to choose.
I am planning on growing three plants in the grow box

1.) 12 20watt led bulbs. Also wanted to know if it's okay to connect all 12 bulbs to the same socket without any driver ? Or are there chances of spoiling the bulb?

2.)Screenshot_20191108-082742.jpg 100watt flood lights. I can buy 3.

3.)the following 2 led grow lights. Screenshot_20191108-082924.jpg. Screenshot_20191108-082802.jpg

All the above lights are from China and are from Ali Express. My budget is 50$ and would love any other suggestions as well. Thank you so much for your time.
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What's the target size box? Google says EPS will begin to soften at 212F, so you should be safe with #1 and #3, but I dunno with #2. Plenty of people have had good results with CFL and I have no idea about flood lights. $50 worth of cheapy LEDs is probably going to yield the least, just because it'll be waaaay less power than the others. I'd probably try the CFLs unless I came across something saying floods were awesome, but I'd be worried about the heat with floods and it'd have to have to be a decent sized box. I like the idea of a tiny desktop grow with a cheapy LED just because it sounds fun to me.
Hey im going for a 28inch * 11inch grow box.

The flood lights are also made of LEDs. I think it's similar to quantum boards.

Also I found an led bulb of 20watt with 2000 lumens. Where as the 25watt cfl only gives out 1400L. So I'm thinking of going with the led bulbs now as they don't heat much either.

Thank you for your reply
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The a19 led house bulbs are great, shoot for somewhere in the 40-50 watts a square ft total with them. You might need to diy a rig to hang and wire them, but they work rather well.
So 11" x 11" is 0.84 square feet, you could get a four pack of 8.8w bulbs from Home Depot for $10 and that'd get you a little over 40 watts per square foot. You can get four base mount sockets for $6 on eBay, then rob a power cord from something, mount it up to a piece of plywood or plastic and you'd be all set for like $20.