Grow closet or ER room? w/ pics


Well-Known Member
1st grow: too impatient to read then grow.. plz dont turn on me yet.. I've been reading and learning, just want to get through this 1st one, make every mistake and learn from it.

1st had babies for oh.. 3 months and they never grew... had 2 T12s and a generic grow lamp that out out enough heat to bake an egg, plus the light ..S....t....R...ectched then very early. I changed to 4 T5 at 6500, i'm on a 18/6 schedule. 2 strains, 1 WW, the other is caramelicious. then adopted some bag seed babies. No ventilation except opening door and checking on them. (read early this would be enough... know now its prob not) they had the skinniest stalks put a fan in week ago (Huge change, they all doubled stalk width. I used miracle grow once (I know.. question later on about it too), one loved it (caramel), and other burnt tips (WW). i heard most ppl over water, so i under watered and the WW fan leaves look to curl so much they were rolling there own for me. Cool trick but prob not healthy right? So I've been watering one every 2-3 days now, so far so good. I've been using mix between tap and outside faucet letting sit for 24 to kill chlorine.. you'll see bottom leaves yellow in pic (caramel) I realized 2 days ago after reading that my water softener is probably robbing essential nutes. so from now on outside water. Oh Yeah... did I mention FLEAS!! or whatever the F* they are.. the adobted plants came with friends... tons of those damn gnat things (love any advice on them too!) I recently purchsed new nutes being miracle grow nursery select its a 30-10-10 for veg ( all i can get is what local flower shops have hear ) and for bloom I got BR-61 its a bloom booster 9-58-8. I have almost killed them so many different ways, its more of an ER than a grow room! like i said ive been growing these things for 5 months now, and just recently (last 3-5 weeks have I gotten them to actually grow.) and to be honest its a hell of alot more fun when they grow.. any one who wants to give me detailed instructions on using something besides soil please do!! I'LL LISTEN!

ok, so lets get to the pics.. pic 1 bag seed whats up w/ diff color veins? pic two (WW) i have like 5 diff things going on with this just by looking at fan leaves any and all advice will be appreciated, pic 3 (caramel) they lower leaves are yellowish, most mid lvl leaves the tips turn down sharply, and some weird color on a cpl too. ANY advice I'll listen! I'm a sponge. also i read



Well-Known Member
Welcome to Rollitup :)

Ok I wont say what you know is we'll leave it at that. I like your honesty and upfrontness :)

Overall not to shabby bongsmilie. Actually some props :hump:

Def looks like some nute burn on the WW. For the other two and the WW, I recommend a lil dosage of Cal-Mag. Is that soil your using have any time released nutes? If so just water and cal-mag

Why dont you just go to a place like this one and order some nutes along with cal-mag. 30-10-10 & 9-58-8 gives me nute burn just thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
i hear yah on the nute burn.. so forget it and chalk it up to lost cash?, or use half strength? can you suggest a number combe I would look for in nutes other than a high first # for veg, and high middle number for flower?


Well-Known Member
I cant help but think I'm depriving of nutes with everything i read.. Would I be making a mistake by watering with a 50% diluted miracle grow 30-10-10? and letting it sit for 15 days? what about the WW, It doesn't seem to like nutes, or is more susceptible to nute burn


Well-Known Member
26K from the T5's and i have 3 CFL's at about 4K each if i remember right. they are 150W equivalent


Well-Known Member
Quick Question.. The plants early in my post like I mentioned are 5 months old. 2.5 of that was basically at a seedling stage. I have had 100% success sprouting, I stick them in a sandwich bag with a moist paper towel and leave in the window seal for a few days. I transplant them into dirt and they just sit there. I think it has to do with lighting issues b/c the first (b4 I read anything) light i had was a cheap big grow light that in one day the stalks grew 2 inches. I went to a store and changed to 2 2ft T12 with grow bulbs, later added 4 4ft T5 6500 lumen each... anyhow between water/and lights i finally got them to grow, but I almost killed a plant so I sprouted two others and now I am at ground zero. Got him to pop up, but it is stagnant. Suggestions plzz!!



Well-Known Member
Beuler.... Beuler.... If you dont know but you do know if this is not an easy question plzz tell me. How do I get the seedling to start growing once srpouted and transplanted?? do they require a different environment than my veg room??