Grow finished, need some advice on drying+mould

Hi guys, bottom line is, i'm outta cash, & no more time to spend on this project. I just need my buds dry ready for storing....

I dont really have time to spend ages curing, and I dont have any free rooms anymore to hang my buds to dry properly...

They are sitting in a cardboard box just now (2.7kg of wet bud!), If i leave them like this

(1) will they eventually dry? (i'd rather this than my other option of oven drying them)
(2) will i have problems with mould?

Where I live the humidity is always low (30-50%), there is no mould anywhere in my house, but could i get problems if i just leave them lying in this box? I dont really have anywhere else to put them!!

If they will be fine in the cardboard box, then i'd rather leave them for 3-4 weeks to dry out, or even get some silicon dessicant sashett's to put amoungst the bud?

I just dont want my buds going mouldy.


Well-Known Member
i dry mine in a cardboard box i even use a shoe box with string accross to dry my smaller buds make sure you have ventalation and a fan blowing around the buds not on them directly...
well the room is well ventalated where they are sitting just now, i dont have any string, so they are all just laying in the box.... could i shuffle them around every day to prevent mould?


sepourate the buds into invdividual containers, so that if one bud gets mould then it wont pass the sporwes onto the other buds.