Grow Hermaphrodites until mature?

Hi. It's not the best day here because I found my feminized White Widow plants are hermaphrodites. This also happened two grows ago with GG4. the following batch of Durban Poison were perfect. Now I have I have six White Widow plants in flowering week 5 in my indoor grow chamber and all are effected. I could cut them now while the seeds are still, soft but the trichomes aren't ready for harvesting. That's what I did with the GG4 hermies and what I did harvest wasn't very potent. Or i could let them finish up and make the best of the results--I could probably made tincture and edibles with them, and maybe if they went full term they'd wind up more potent. What's a depressed boy to do? By the way, there are no light leaks and I follow the same procedure in the same chamber with every grow, so I suspect the genetics of some of the feminized seeds I get lately are tainted, so my future problem is where to get genetically superior seeds, but that's a problem for another day. Today, it's just poor pitiful me.
If you want to try to salvage this grow you can Try to pick off as much of the male parts as you can and get to the finish. Chek wen it dark time for the plants that there are no light leaks and you light is going on an off at the right time. Double check nothing else is stressed them such as cold or too hot, or high feed or undereatering ect.
Also there are a lot of new fly by night so called breeders around, try to always get good reputable genetics from a good source were you know that multiple people have tried the seed strain and its good.
Hi, I know about avoiding light leaks etc, and I follow basically the same process in the same grow box every time and at this point am past the learning period of making dumb mistakes. I'm leaning toward poor seed genetics as the problem. I've always used ILGM seeds and wonder if that company is getting sloppy lately with their seed supply so now I'm looking around for more genetically solid seed suppliers. I've got a couple ideas for better seed sources and will concentrate on finding more reliable companies for future grows because the heartbreak of discovering hermies during flowering is too painful to experience. Thanks for your reply!
Hi, I know about avoiding light leaks etc, and I follow basically the same process in the same grow box every time and at this point am past the learning period of making dumb mistakes. I'm leaning toward poor seed genetics as the problem. I've always used ILGM seeds and wonder if that company is getting sloppy lately with their seed supply so now I'm looking around for more genetically solid seed suppliers. I've got a couple ideas for better seed sources and will concentrate on finding more reliable companies for future grows because the heartbreak of discovering hermies during flowering is too painful to experience. Thanks for your reply!
They dont have the best rep if your certain your not over ferting em or giving em massive temp swings or messing with em in general or drowning em with cold cold water and you are sure you got 0 light leaks then the problem has to be genetics bud yeah next run go with someone else and ideally try to go for something more solid cos less and less so called breeders stress test these days like they should sadly and the ironic thing is half the chucks made by some folk on here have more thought/actual work going into em than some in the buisiness put into there gear that they sell