Grow Journal


This is going to be my grow journal, mainly for me to keep track of my plants. But for you viewers, to post constructive critizism as well.:blsmoke:


These are my seedlings at 2 days old.

Everything I post is purely fictional, all pictures are taken from online, i purely do this to see if this is a website to catch growers.:eyesmoke:



These aren't my only seedlings. I've got 6 seedlings at the moment, with 10 durban poison seeds being shipped to me as we speak. These are 2 of the seedlings in a 25% peat moss, 25% organic soil, 25% perlite, 10% blood meal, 15% bone meal.


Some of the seeds are kind of growing sideways, slowly beginning to straighten out though. Any feedback would be great! No yellowing on leaves at all, all green! 2 days old and nice and strong!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!

Nice soil setup, but tell us more about your environment... lights, your space, how you'll ventilate etc :)

Is this your first indoor grow?

Good luck!



Won't be an indoor grow for long, they'll be kept inside until about may 15th when the warmer weather lingers around. Currently though, I have 5 CFL grow lights one 4 inches above each seedling. And a few more CFL grow lights along the sides of the table with a hollowed out big box i place on the outside of everything with tin foil taped all along the insides, to reflect maximum light. 2 days in there doing pretty great, thanks for commenting guys, any help would be great. Reccomendations of how early I should put them outside etc is great. All new to this, of course I know the basics (how to trim, how to tell a male female, etc) but I don't know nearly enough to consider myself a good grower!


Well-Known Member
Won't be an indoor grow for long, they'll be kept inside until about may 15th when the warmer weather lingers around. Currently though, I have 5 CFL grow lights one 4 inches above each seedling. And a few more CFL grow lights along the sides of the table with a hollowed out big box i place on the outside of everything with tin foil taped all along the insides, to reflect maximum light. 2 days in there doing pretty great, thanks for commenting guys, any help would be great. Reccomendations of how early I should put them outside etc is great. All new to this, of course I know the basics (how to trim, how to tell a male female, etc) but I don't know nearly enough to consider myself a good grower!
Sounds like you've got it together homie! I'm assuming you're using "Daylight" (6500k CFLs), yes?

It depends on where you live... that will generally determine when you can put them outside. When I lived in southern Ontario, Canada, I would plant no later than May 24 weekend. Now that I'm in Calgary, May 24 may be too early.

As long as you are very, very confident that there will be no more frosts and that nighttime temps are stable (not getting overly cold), you should be good. Again though, let us know the general vicinity of where you are and other outdoor growers in your area might speak up.



ps. and yes, the leaves'll be fine. Just rotate your plants daily so they have to stretch toward the light from different angles. Helps with strength too :)


Yes, 6500k cfls daylights. I live in Massachusetts, it's about 60-65 here during the day right now, and gets to about 40 during the night. Thanks for all the great comments and support guys! It's assuring that I'll have people willing to help me grow!


I don't want to put them outside until the stems are pretty thick so they don't snap and my babies dont die. I feel like a father right now, haha! Anyways, I'll be back with more pictures as soon as they grow up a few, or with any more problems I have. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Throw a fan into the mix. Don't blow directly at the plants (at this stage), but get some airflow bouncing off the walls of the box so you can actually see the plants moving slightly. This will also help strengthen them.

Would be helpful if you could post some pics of your entire setup ;)


ps. I subbed up, I'm interested to follow this grow through.


I had to move some lights off of them so I could take a decent picture, I also had to tone down my camera ALOT to get a picture, but when i go into that room even 15 feet away i have to squint, its bright!:hug:



supplies 001.JPG

These are my supplies im growing with as well! I've got root hormone, so once I see a big momma out there ill clone a few plants as well! Got some organic fertilizer, fish fertilizer that wasn't in that picture! But im pretty well prepared for my first grow, im not your typical newby. I atleast watched days worth of videos and such.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2625145

These are my supplies im growing with as well! I've got root hormone, so once I see a big momma out there ill clone a few plants as well! Got some organic fertilizer, fish fertilizer that wasn't in that picture! But im pretty well prepared for my first grow, im not your typical newby. I atleast watched days worth of videos and such.

careful with miraclegro stuff!! it scrapped 5 of my lill girls :S


Well-Known Member
Looking good! If it looks like you are getting shading on your plants (the soil is low into the cup), take a razor blade and cut an inch from the top of the cup.

I totally agree with GanjaHome regarding MiracleGrow... although I'm growing in MG soil, I've used it for a few years on-and-off for other veggies, so this is my first indoor run and I'm just testing, but I've heard a lot of horror stories.

I did go to my local grow shop yesterday and picked up a bunch of non-MG nutes. Many here hate MG, but Ganja said it properly... "careful with miraclegro"... imho, it'll work, you just have to start very small, and increase as necessary.

As far as other veggies, my tent is full of them seeding right now outside of the primary lighting area my weed is under :D



I plan to use the organic fish fertilizer with an NPK of 5-1-1 compared to a 20-20-20 with MG!! Alot less potent and doesn't burn. 100% organic, made of mostly fish! Heard good thing about the lily milee alaskan brand (i think that's what its called) the only miracle gro stuff i bought was the peat moss, and the perlite, (you really can't put much chemical in those) My soil is Vigoro's 100% organic


There is no shading on my plants at ALL. I had to turn the brightness of my camera down all the way to -5 just to take a shot. That's why it looks dark. :)


Sadly I believe I just lost 2 of my soldiers, they have been late germinaters, and while trying to adjust cups, one completely came out of the soil, same with the other one. I was just switching cup position around, tap root is only about 3/4 inch long and they already opened their first leaves, completely fell out of soil onto my table, with just the root and the 2 closed leaves, and the other with the roots and opened leaves, i quickly hopped out of my seat, grabbed my root hormone dry powder, dipped the root in water for both and got them planted with the root hormones into my growing medium (screw the peat pellet they were in, was falling apart, hence why it fell off) Did my best with those 2 soldiers, the other 4 are coming along well still. I'm crazily good at saving plants that fall out of their medium, so we'll see how they come out. I'll keep you all updated.

PS >>> My 10 durban poison seeds have not came in yet, when they come in, I'll germinate half of them. And start growing them as well. Durban poison is supposed to be an awesome strain for anxiety.