grow location HELP!!


so i recently decided im gonna grow this season. i live in a suburban area in the northeast. ive been searching google maps for secluded woodlands nearby. the best one i have found is a park/farm. in other words its a large forest with some trails. i can easily go off trails to a place where nobody goes. i was thinking about growing six plants total 3 different spots with two plants at each. basicly my main concerns are that i dont want people that work there finding my plant. they mainly feed the goats,sheep,pigs etc. and they clear the trail around once maybe twice a year. do you think this is a good spot. one last thing is what are the chances of me getting caught by the police?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Use google earth so you can see log tracks, logged areas,slopes, dist to nearest road etc, you will have a much better picture of the area.
When I was little I stumbled upon a pot patch that was just off of a logging trail in the woods that surrounded our house. We lived WAY back in the woods and the nearest neighbor, well we didnt have any for miles. I played all summer long in those woods walking and exploring these strange logging trails. It was kinda like my playground had been envaded. anyhow, I saw this opening and walked into it and there was a perfect square patch of plants about head high on me at the time. That was back in the 70's. The weeks before I remember my sister calling my dad in her room saying she could see lights flashing around way back in the woods out the window. That was probably 100 yards or so from our house. My dad was always finding pot patches and calling the police in to burn them so i know where patches are most likely to be found.

Im telling you this story to make this point, logging roads get explored by kids, hunters and also people looking for logs left behind for firewood. I would stay away from those roads.