Grow out not up!?


New Member
So i was doing some thinking today when i got thinking about cfls. If you were to start a plant up about 6" with a single light right above it then move the light. Where to? Well make a ring of cfls all around your plant. In my theory the plant will very slowly stop growing up, but it will grow out instead. So you will get thick bushier wider plants. This sitution would be good for people with a short grow space( cupboard, box, or tupaware). If this idea has already been posted... Well im sorry and please correct me. So think it will work? Also can you buy cfl light sockets that plug into a socket? Price?
If you mean buy a light socket that plugs into a power socket, I believe you can.
I had the same question too, and was told you can get them for just a couple bucks apiece.


Active Member
Depending on how many bulbs you want on your splitter is how you will determine the cost. How do you plan on mounting them?

Illegal Smile

The plant will still grow up. If you want a shorter more bushy plant top it. That said, sidelight is a good idea, but for different reasons.