Grow Room Expectations 2 Pounds? 2000watts in HID and 1600watts in CFLs

:joint::peace: Ok so i have 6 female plants, each space will have 3 plant, it's been 16 days since i planted from germinated seeds. It's my first grow and their just so i can get a feel of things. I have a closet that is 5ft x 2.8ft which is 14 square feet or 1.3 square meters, and i have another 5ft x 3ft area. Using a 1000w and 12 x 68w cfls placed in one corner/one in the middle of the wall/one on the other corner, at both the top level of the plant and the bottom level of the plants. This set up will be in each flower room. I will veg for 2 months not allowing the plants to reach more than 12 -18 inches in hieght or diameter than allow to flower for the next 8 weeks or so. I am using 5 gallon smart pots with primier pro-mix and a complete nutrient line from GH, a co2 bucket in each room, an all in one a/c, heat, fan, dehumidifier and of course a few wall mount fans blowing under and across the canopy. Now assuming the plants have good genetics, my temps, ph, humidity, nutrients are keep in an acceptable range with the 1000w hps/150,000 lumens on top of the canopy and 816w of cfls/50,000 lumens surrounding the sides of the canopy, is it safe to say that i can expect a pound of sticky icky from each flower room. Your input would greatly be appreciated.:leaf::peace:


Well-Known Member
It really depends on the strain. I have no problem getting 2.5lbs from 2000W HPS growing Blue Moonshine. Your setup sounds acceptable, I'd ditch the CFLs from HIDs though.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why a first timer would expect to get more than 5 ounces a plant with only 8 weeks vegging.

Yeah, you could pull a pound per room, if you combine your next 3 grows.