Grow room question


Well-Known Member
if have a 10ft long 4 ft wide 7 ft tall growroom is it possible for me to yeild a qp per plant off 12 plants using 800 watts of light, do i need more light or is that enough???????????????????????

Illegal Smile

Speaking for the light only, you need more. I'd say roughly 3 times more.


Well-Known Member
do you guys think that if i put an extra 400 watts of light with t5 fluorescent lights, plus the 800 watts of hps, is it possible to get 4 oz a plant when each plant has its own 5 gal pot?


Well-Known Member
For a novice I would say probably not to expect 4 oz on each plant. If you're experienced it may be possible but I highly doubt it. I would expect closer to 1.5-2 depending on strain, veg time, etc.

That being said there is a guy on here that uses 3 600w hps and veg's his plants until they are around 3.5ft and yields a little over a lb per plant on 3 plants.

A lot of it depends on skill, but light is deffinately a determining factor. I would say that 400w hps don't have enough penetration for that kind of yield.


Well-Known Member
ive been growing for about 25 yrs. i just go completely organic, my specialty is in outdoor growing but indoor is to just mimic the outdoor. i will be growing cheese clones that have been passed around between me and my buddies since about 1990, its a very very high yielder that will not stop growing her buds out, once my grow starts goin im gonna post some pics, PLEASE THOUGH, LEAVE SUGGESTIONS STILL, I just dont know everything yet