Grow room setup


Active Member
so heres the deal i need some advice on this situation and ill make it as easy as possible. theres two weeks left on the flush for a flowering cycle in the grow room but it just so happened that my trusty genetic source in town is leaving town so clones for the next go had to be dropped off now if i wanted them at all. Now i dont have a veg room cause i have never really needed one cause clones that i got were already technically veg'd so i usually keep 18/6 for 1 week then switch thats how developed the "clones" i recieved were. so the problem is i dont have anywhere for these clones to go for two weeks. i have a 2 foot flourescent but i have never had good results with that. i also have a metal halide 100 watt light but i dont wanna put under that for two weeks then drop them under the big boys(1000k) cause that would knida mess up that window of getting a strong big plant with big fan leaves and all that good stuff. so please help out a fellow in need of some wise words.


Well-Known Member
If they were recently cut, like within a few days, that florescent light should be fine for them for 2 weeks. I leave my clones under one for the first 15 - 16 days.