grow room smells like smoke!


I had a piece of metal ducting laying on top of the hood of a 1000 watt hps . Culd this have caused the smell? I know this sounds dumb. But the grow house is at my friends and I don't gave access to the house right now. He said the piece of metal ducting was very hot and he smelled the duct and felt like it was coming from that


It was the duct for sure....just talked to my friend. Let's all just disregard this post and never speak of it


Well-Known Member
yea dude, FIRE HAZARD. a good tip is to have water and anything wet waist down, and everything electrical waist up. other than that, keep your area clean. the last thing you want is the fire department at your location cuz you left duct tape or whatever on a light, burned your house down, and the neighborhood is baked.