grow room update


Active Member
hello all first grow and this is just an update not sure how to use the old thread if anyone can send me a pm or just simply tell me how that would be great thanks.

below are a few updated pictures not sure if you got to see the previous set up it was basically the same minus two flourecent 4ft bulbs and 6 new cfls and four new fans two shown in pics and the others are like a foot or two behind from camera view and they are two of those white 2x2 square fans with three speeds and they are on lvl two to prevent any damage to the baby the current temp in the closet is a lil on the high side of like mid 80s but cant do any kind of construction to the walls (apartments) dont really know how to keep it cool inside the closet other then loading up on fans and misting here and there? any suggestions would be BOMB!!!

since last time it has grown two new big leaves and two sets of baby ones just sprouting

well just wanted to post and say thanks to those who took a look and thanks to anyone who leaves any advice happy growin =) will def keep updating as it comes along!!

