Grow Tent And CO2 Questions

Hello all

I am planning on using a 4x4 grow tent with 2x400 watt lights. I am going to be using a climate controller that will control the following: humidity, temperature, and co2 cycle timer synced up with the exhaust settings. ie: When it gets too humid or hot the fans will kick on and purge the space of stale/hot air, once completed the unit will shut fans off and automatically restart the co2 timer and release gas into the space.

I have always been told under optimal circumstances that if the environment is completely sealed then you will need to release co2 every 3 hours. My question is since this space is not completely sealed (it's a fucking tent) how often would co2 need to be released ie: every hour every, half hour?




Well-Known Member
whenever its need...depends on how much your plants are sucking in and leakage you have.. it will probably fairly often if you have alot of plants..youll run through a tank in a few weeks


Active Member
If you have a controller that's complex enough to turn off Co2 and start fans when restart your Co2 when humidity is within optimal should automatically maintain your Co2 at the proper levels. If not get yourself a good regulator and controller. Its better to have a constant steady level of Co2 instead of your Co2 levels going up and down every few hours.

and if you bought a decent quality tent it should be sealable, most are completely sealed environments when all the optional vents and the door is closed.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he bought a climate controller that mentioned co2 in the advertisement. Here's the bitch dude, you set the flow rate on the regulator and it's timer based on the slow usage of co2 by your plants. It's not going to be able to adjust itself with a longer on time or higher flow to compensate for exhausting the tent.

If you have a ppm controller dont worry, it will take are of itself. It's EXTREMELY difficult to accurately apply co2 without a controller. Errr on the low side, I have seen numbers of 2000 ppm damaging plants quoted before
