Grow Tent Extras?


Hey guys, I've been wanting to get a tent in addition to my PC grow box for a while now. I've been looking at the products HTG Supply carries. I was going to just get everything separate but I'd really like to get everything set up ASAP and I don't want to get caught with my pants down in case I forget to get something.

I've been eying one of their complete grow kits and I was hoping I could get some feedback on whether it would be a good start. Here's the link:

It's a 600w grow kit with a tent and it seems to cover everything I would need. I'd be going the HPS route as far as bulbs go and I hoped someone could take a look at optional extras they offer and let me know if any of the upgrades are even worth the price hikes.

Never used HPS before, so I'd definitely appreciate some input on the different bulbs they offer. Ventilation is another one I'd like to get an opinion on because I'm not sure if the default would be enough.