Grow the same strain?


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll....

So i am pretty new to growing, just hung my 2nd grow and i have already started my 3rd and the first grow, shit because idk what deficiencies, how much is too much, not enough, what temp do they like, humidity, do they like for me to talk to them or not, ect.. you get the point. Anyways my 3rd grow will go hopefully exactly how I wanted the 1st to because it takes some time to learn the plant..... ok so the question is do you all grow the same strain(s) multiple times or are you learning as you go with every strain and maybe not get the best 1st run but get a way better 2nd run on the same strain? Is everyone just a fucking miracle grower and it doesn't matter the strain your plants just grow 43ft tall because you can look at them and know what they need before they do no matter what the strain, which i assume would come with 44 years of experience?


Well-Known Member
I like variety so I try different or new strains each year. Each strain can have different needs. I have 3 separate ones, one of which needs water almost daily, other 2 every few days or so. I've fed one strain a certain amount of nutes it thrived on, but if I try that on another it burns the leaves. What it boils down to is reading the plant...what works for one may not work well on another

conor c

Well-Known Member
Its tempting growing something different every time however you if wanna improve your grow skills then id advise you to stick with a strain and go with it till u feel you got that dialed in then try something new i grow different stuff everytime now but i used to monocrop a fair bit and its handy that way i would say