Growers In Ontario

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Staff member
I agree it does seem fishy from the start but I wanted to wait and not jump the gun

Users saying no thank you for following the rules

OP any form of selling trading gifting hook ups or whatever you want to label it is 100% bannable offence here
Since you are new I will tell you once and why
You maybe legal but rollitup is a world wide website and our lawyers prefer we do not allow any of this to transpire as it can actually get our entire forum shut down

Additionally just about ever user who's broken this rule has been ripped off for money or otherwise

So not only is this rule here for your safety it's for ours

And with that I will say please follow our rules and enjoy your forum experience


Staff member
Hey Pink Kush Dreams, I told you, this is not the place for that once, Now I am calling you out, your a cop. No normal person would come on here begging for Meds. If you do not have a solid supply for Cannabis then you need to get your priority straight and this is not the place to do that.

Medical or not, the people on here do not want to help you, they have all helped them selves, you should do the same.
My suggestion to you is, order a pack of seeds, buy a light and grow if you really want killer smoke that is better then everyone else. Would you walk up to someone in a vapor lounge and ask for pot? If you get caught doing it you get kicked out, think of this place like that, this is not a place to find out how to score, this is a place to talk meds, politics, and growing.
Actually plenty of people do we just delete before you see

And with that and my previous post thread closed enjoy your day folks
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