Growin Thailand..... Need Answers.. Plz??


Active Member
Im a stoner who used to lived in USA but then move to Thailand... Thai weed is so shitty that it not even worth smoking.... so i started growin my own outdoor.... Its been about 3-4 months and my plants is not showin any sign of sex at all...... is it because the lighting outside is different? Its been forever and i need to smoke some good budzzz..... Help me out plz.... thanks


Well-Known Member
You'll have to wait until the light cycle is around 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark before the plant will begin to flower.


Well-Known Member
hey, ya check the light period times.. maybe cause u are near the equator it does not go the 12/12 so u might need a auto flowering strain or somw that have adapted to thai seasons... what strain ya growin?

im thinking bout moving to thailand aswell id love to work at that place where they walk around with the tigers... what are u doing out there?


Active Member
Since my plants are out door if i moved it inside and give it 12 hours lights will that mess up my plants in ne ways..... as in temperature and such.... and how many days do i need to keep it in 12 hr for? and after it starts to flower can i bring it back out again or do i have to keep it in 12 hr. till harvest? Thanks


Active Member
All i know is that it is sativa... I didn't get the seeds from a seed bank just got them from the bags of weed that i got... so i don't think its any special kind of strain... the weed over here is horrible but i think its because they cure/dry it very wrong and compress it into a brick...... yea i know where ur talkin bout its the alligator farm... haha.... im over here in thailand studyin in college.... it a hell of a experience comin over here....


Well-Known Member
well it takes 2 to 3 weeks to start flowering properly, if u bring it indoors every day for 2-3 weeks and it starts flowering and then if u put it outdoors again and the light period is 2 long it will revert back to veg and then if it goes back to flowering the buds will not b as good as they can b.... if u can bring them in 12/12 for 8 or so weeks do that..... dont worry bout night temps being higher than day... make sure of no light leaks during night period indoors..