Growing 24 plants in TX?


Active Member
What would someone realistically be facing if they were caught growing 24 plants under 4k watts in a small rented warehouse?


Well-Known Member
What would someone realistically be facing if they were caught growing 24 plants under 4k watts in a small rented warehouse?
There's always the off chance you could get shot in the face during a bad raid. I try not to think about getting busted.


Active Member
lol I'm wondering if you'd get jail/prison time or just probation or fines... If its just probation,fines, community service..etc it's worth it, but any jail/prison time I'm going to reconsider.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yeah i think they do have fire inspections and shit every year.
could they get you for like intention to distribute cause the number of plant?
you should rent house no inspections. and alot more safe


Well-Known Member
24 plant you'd get a minimum of ten year probation. Have a friend that just got busted with a few pounds and some head stash of various psychadelics. It was a bogus search and a bunch of other shit but he still got ten years probation. that was in Lewisville tx. I keep it around five plants at a time and I keep them small so I can kick and scream that its head stash with a good lawyer. Alot of these small busts in a personal residence boil down to getting the best lawyer.


Active Member
hah in florida ive seen people go in the courthouse and never leave for quite some time some poor old timer that was in front of me got 5 years for 5 plants WHAT THE FUCK and my charges were completely fabricated so fuck the government everyone out there be careful jail is no laughing matter