Growing a plant almost sideways?

heres what ive done to mine this time the way, what is super cropping?
i chopped the top and all the branches 2 times and the plants bushed out big time. they are allready way better than last times. i wonder why i dont cropp and tie every single one? the last pic all i did was chopp the top. i havnt tied it down i just let the 4 main shoots go wild, but my others are tied down hard core....LST right? low stress training?


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they look good dude.. super croping is awesome man you just kinda break the stock and let it fall over side ways. the stock fixes it self and then you got more tops.. search up super cropn on google watch a video i really like the idea..
they look good dude.. super croping is awesome man you just kinda break the stock and let it fall over side ways. the stock fixes it self and then you got more tops.. search up super cropn on google watch a video i really like the idea..

Some times it helps do to a combination of the 2 I have broken the limbs almost all the way through and it was almost straight again in less than a month, crazy shit