Growing a plant slowly on purpose ?


Greetings - I have a problem thats a good problem: I'm a closet grower and have 2 fems (from fem seeds) that are 2 weeks into plower and are just now showing. I only have room for 2 plants in the closet. When I topped, (uncle Ben's method, by the way - and I've got 4 colas on each), instead of tossing the material, I trimmed and tried cloning for the first time. I have them in a corner in the living room under one of those cone-shaped fixtures with a cfl bulb. It took frickin forever, but I now have roots on both. When I put the clones in soil, is it possible to grow them slowly by limiting light and not feeding them until my others in the closet are harvested? Long term, will it affect growth and yield?


Well-Known Member
i have considered doing that myself, as i dont have room for a mother atm. I may try it this grow to test it. I am thinking the way you are, just keep them on enough nutes to keep them living and low light. sounds like a good plan. maybe someone will see this post and enlighten us!


Well-Known Member
I've done this indoors, started them last November and limited light to flower in May. The biggest problem was stretch, you cannot avoid it when limiting light during veg from my experience. I now only do this for mothers b/c the yield was so reduced it wasn't really worth the effort.


Sector 5 Moderator
Check out what zvuv posted; that's exactly what I was going to suggest. I'm in a similar situation and I'll be doing the bonsai mother thing.


Active Member
ive done it a few times, when i had too many clones a couple were left in just a little 200ml cup with perlite, hardly fed them, under cfl's they looked shite 2 months later, but when they were transfered to dwc the root system developed fairly quick and the plants took off, and were fine


Awesome - Thanks all. I'll also check out the Bonzai stuff. You know, it would be sin to throw away 2 female plants ...


Active Member
I'm def going to try the bonzai technique myself. I guess that just about everybody who is running a closet/cab grow faces this problem of how to keep mother plants without devoting a whole room to it.


Sector 5 Moderator
I've got at least 5 different strains ordered and some are regular seeds. I'll plant them and seperate the males but let them grow and harvest their pollen. I'll keep my eye out for the best mother plant candidate so before spring arrives I'll know which one to take my clones from. By the time it's safe to transplant them outdoors in my guerilla grows I will have taken mucho cuttings and have them rooted and ready to go in the ground. The other original females will be planted at that time too. The males will be destroyed as soon as I get their pollen. I'll do the males the same as the females, let them grow and keep only the best one for collecting the pollen.


Well-Known Member
^^^This is how my buddy mixed his g13 and critical mass together. I'm not sure which was male and female, but he is a really good breeder and I've seen other stains he's crossed like the mandarine g13. That was dank.