Growing abroad to sell ?


Well-Known Member
I live in the UK and there are a bunch of online.shops here that sell seeds . But growing weed is illegal here .

I've been considering.making cross breeds .
You do know Wikipedia is rated a malleable info source
Aka fake news?
You do know 'most' information on Wikipedia is cited using footnotes that direct you to primary or secondary sources elsewhere on the web? You can simply Google the name Robert Schellenberg to dispel your ignorance. I only put that link there as a courtesy for your convenience.

Or does the fact the story isn't being brokered by the likes of Anthony Fauci and/or Joe Biden create a conflict of interest for your preferences?
You do know 'most' information on Wikipedia is cited using footnotes that direct you to primary or secondary sources elsewhere on the web? You can simply Google the name Robert Schellenberg to dispel your ignorance. I only put that link there as a courtesy for your convenience.

Or does the fact the story isn't being brokered by the likes of Anthony Fauci and/or Joe Biden create a conflict of interest for your preferences?
Keep this shit in the Politics Section.

Maybe you're lost. This is the Growing Section.