Growing answers!! need answered


Active Member
ok, i hear that you can take one of those storebought paintball co2 tanks, rig up a knob on it and throw it in to ur gro room full blast and that would be sufficient??.... i also need suggestions on what to use to make my walls reflective, paint or foil???


Well-Known Member
Not sure bout the co2 method, put u can use the diy sugar and yeast method, and use white paint. I have heard from others that foil causes hot spots.


Well-Known Member
if you use paint use flat white, aluminum foil causes hot spots not a good idea look up mylar works great not expensive. i have used that method of co2 but it is not reliable would get fairly expensive as well with no regulator. i used a 20 oz bottle for about every 4 days with using only during lights on. ( and that was letting co2 out very slowly ) if you keep your heat around 77 degrees and good ventilation i see no need for co2