Growing at Very High Altitude


Active Member
Hi, I am new to this forum and this is my first post, but I've seen a lot of people get a lot of help so hopefully I will too =)

Anyhow, I'm wondering if it's possible to grow at 10.5k feet in the Rocky Mountains. It's still below treeline, however, I checked out the weather data, and the only time that it's guaranteed not to snow is from about early june until mid september. Also, the temperature dips into the 30s until about june 20th or so and starts dipping into the 30s again near the end of august. Will the plants be able to survive possible snow during the fall? Could I possibly begin the grow at lower altitudes around may and then transplant them around midjune?

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
All I know is your plant will become Dark purple no matter the strain because of the low temp. so expect purple leaves and bud.


Active Member
Hah, yeah I have a purple strain as well that is supposed to do well in dry, cold climates. Plus 20 free seeds which I suppose could be anything.


Active Member
im not to sure if their will be much plant , due to the coldness, the heat controls the plants metablisam

Well-Known Member
high altitude is unmatched as far as lumens go.period! year, start them indoors...they can handle the mid 30's if they're properly hardened, and big enough(not a baby). if they have even a smidgin of purple it will show...bigtime! and yeah...I nearly died in schofield pass... IN JUNE! your 10,000' grow would probably be mid june to mid august, then bring 'em back down to at leat 8000''ll end up with nearly the highest quality weed possible! a soft land breeds soft plants!


Active Member
I'm looking at getting Red Dragon, Utopia Haze, LSD, G13 Haze and Amnesia Lemon. However where I live is at a high altitude, do you recommend I grow these strains or are there others you recommend would fair better in these conditions? 2820 M (9252 feet) altitude, The climate in the Andes varies according to the altitude and the time of the year. In Quito the temperature ranges from 7 degrees C (55 F) at night to 26 C (78 F) at noon, and averages 15 C (64 F).

Well-Known Member
you're in one of the best places in the world to grow the very best pot. I'd use 25% volcanic cinders with an organic soil. if it's a hike to get to; use 5 gal. drip buckets to water. high altitude tropics CANNOT be beat! period. the amount of lumens is unsurpassed.