Growing Auto advice please!


New Member
Hello, i’m here to ask for some advice on my two plant grows. They both are in the last day of week one and i’m wondering if this are normal growth for autos. I got pretty worried that I might be doing something wrong after reading stuff about growth factors.
mainly, i’m worried about over watering/under watering.
Right now i’m watering about once a day to keep the soil moist but not to the point that Its coming out the bottom, will this affect plant growth or stunt my plants?
When to start nutrients and what would you recommend? I read that i should start nutes about 21 days in but i’m still not very sure.
Any tips are very appreciated thankyou!

Specs for equipment:
6inch in-line fan
6in carbon filter
2 clip fans
4x4 MarsHydro tent.
MarsHydro TSW 2000 16 inches above the plants at 30% power

5gal fabric pots
Home mixed soil
4 parts potting soil
1 part coco coir
1 part Worm castings
1.5 parts perlite
0.5 parts Bat Guano

They look adorable, patience is a lost art, weed will bring you back to that.
I think the 21day rule in a good setpoint. I wouldnt worry for now.