Growing Autos outdoors in Texas San Antonio

Whats up guys i plan on doing a outdoor auto grow along with a pheno grow but im a little worried that the autos wont be yielding much my question
is will it be possible to harvest a good amount off of autos in 14/10 Lighting growing indoors isint a option atm because my room is occupied lol
(I also have a greenhouse i will be doing this in)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what Texas laws say, but in California we have a six plant limit. Working within these limits, autos aren't worth my time. Now if limits weren't an issue I'd grow them every winter in 4' x 4' raised beds. You can space them one square foot apart for a total of 12 plants per bed. I've built and filled beds for around $40.00 and having 2-4 raised bed in the backyard would be easy. Especially if your doing drip irrigation set to a timer.


Well-Known Member
will it be possible to harvest a good amount off of autos in 14/10 Lighting
Absolutely. If autos were sold at Home Depot they'd probably be marked as "full sun early-spring annuals" meaning they require at least six hours of sunlight every day, will be among the first to bloom or go to flower come spring, and they are meant to survive one growing season. Early springs can also be grown during the fall for a second harvest. In my other post above I said I'd grow in winter, but I actually meant I'd grow them in the fall and harvest in the winter.