Growing chronic fro comm seeds vs seed from chronic bag


Well-Known Member
Alright I've been finding alot of ystery about this. any people on RIU refer to "bagseed" when they grown from bagseed. Now does this refrence a bag of chronic or shwag? If it refers to chronic then ok I understand how you would get an amazing strain/plant. But say it's from shwag can you really get a chronic plant from a shwag seed. As I see it shwag is grown in harsh climate also in mass quantities. So inturn it does not recive the tlc that we give our ladies and to top the cake they dont remove males hence seeds and that enas less thc in buds sooooo does this mean that since we seperate we will get more potent funkier looking bud from shwag? I ponder this quite often. and now to the second part if you get a shwag seed and toss it under mh then hps you know with reg nutes I'd assume that right off the bat your going to better high quality as more nutes and more lights overall better climate and enviroment?. Any thoughts or threads.


Well-Known Member
I haven't even seen schwag since high school. 99.9999% of people on here talking about bagseed are talking about some fire buds. Bagseed is just an unknown strain basically.


Active Member
Just my 2-cents. I think you CAN get good buds from growing 'schwag' seeds, but I would assume it really depends on the genetics. Thats why most people like to order seeds, as they are guaranteed better genetics. Although, if you grow shitty weed under a badass system, you're gonna get fat buds that might not smoke well, but will be 800% better then the brick the seed came out of.
I hope my rambling adds some entertainment to the convo...


Active Member
I agree with Meduser 1980 ... If you grow females that bud , it should be decent smoke ( no males allowed ) ...


Well-Known Member
very cool my thoughts bagseed well for us more unfourtunate souls shwag is on the pyramid at times but ive got some bag chronic seeds so well se how those do but dont oyu think with all the nuts you add w lights itll deffianly be chronic i mean not trainwrech maybe even beastiers?


Well-Known Member
probably decent but personally id recommend just ordering some sweet seeds. Even just a pack of 10 cheap seeds off attitude is worth the extra effort to know what your getting. Although Meduser is right anything you grow from schwag seeds will be way better then the shit you got the seeds from.

schwag=pollinated marijuana
sensimilla=sexy time number 1 (nonpollinated)


Well-Known Member
Sexy time lol obscure refrence any one? any ways i was looking at some today but they were whoa expensive and i thought i get a decent amout coming in and out an i end up with about 5 seeds a week so i mean i like the bud it comes from but i want ot get some of that g 13 shit and clone it or some crazy good not to hard to grow any sugestions?> btw does any know about buyin used lampos i mean i want to but at the same time im not sure if its a hot idea cause i wantto buy 2 lamps one mh on hps and both 600w figure that would be enough for two others and a few clones and then the other would be good for three or four flowering plants ya?