Growing from seed in sunlight.


Active Member
I have 2 seeds i have yet to try to germ, I'm thinking and wondering if it would be possible to germ them, plant em and leave them in sunlight and they'd sprout and grow from there.

I understand that this plant does grow on its own in the ground all over the world, but thats in different more tropical climates.

Also one being an automatic, would 12/12 be enough light for it to grow consistantly?


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago I soaked a pair of Indica seeds (White Rhino and Big Bang) for 15-20 min, then sowed them directly into moist Fox Farm Light Warrior soil. They popped within a few days just under natural sunlight. Day temps average in the 70*F, night time temps average in the 50*F.

On the GardenWeb forums (general gardening forum, not cannabis specific) I've talked to a few growers that practice what they call Winter Sowing where you sow your seeds in pots outside in December and leave them alone until spring. The germinate rates are said to be around 80%-90%, but you get hardier plants that can survive light frosts better. I get near 99% germination when I start indoors, but then sometimes I lose plants during the hardening off process, so it kind of evens out.

As for autoflowering plants... the last time I grew some Automatic Lemon Haze, i started around this time (averaging 13 hours of daylight), and my plants grew out to around 2 ft tall, which is good for an auto, but to small for my liking.


Well-Known Member
It would be a better idea to raise the seedlings inside until they are big/strong enough to go outside, of course you can still sow them into soil outside if you choose to.