Growing Help


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's growing now. LOL. Do you mean how long till it finishes? Because that would be about 3 months. Depending on how u do it.


Well-Known Member
those are some pretty awful pictures. try the macro setting on your camera.

give your plants 45 - 60 days for veg. when you go into flower it can take anywhere from 8 - 15 weeks depending on strain. sativa plants usually take longer. i grew some arjan's haze #1 last grow and they flowered for 14 1/2 weeks. then you have to cure which takes about another month.

be patient. :peace:


Well-Known Member
What Kind of light do you have on it. From what I can tell from the pics it's not very big for 2 weeks. If you go 12/12 from seed it will still take about 3 weeks to flower and like dude said 8-15 weeks to flower.


Well-Known Member
It is getting more than 12 hours than. The days are getting longer, right now we get about 14-1/2 hours in my area. You are going to have to be patient. Also outside it won't be ready untill fall.
so wat if i move it inside and give it 12/12 hours a day because some guy told me it will grow to about 6-8 inches if i give it 12/ hours of light and i dont want a giant weed tree i wan it to be 6-8 inches


Well-Known Member
12/12 is the light cycle for flowering. you don't want to start flowering your plant when it hasn't even lost its baby leaves yet. if you want to bring it inside you should put it on 18/6 light cycle and then switch to 12/12 when it gets to whatever height you desire.

you should stop posting and start reading. a great place to start is the FAQ section. here is a link:


Well-Known Member
so wat if i move it inside and give it 12/12 hours a day because some guy told me it will grow to about 6-8 inches if i give it 12/ hours of light and i dont want a giant weed tree i wan it to be 6-8 inches
What is your goal here: Learning experience or harvest?

T@int is correct regarding light cycles. It needs more light to develop properly.

6-8 inches max height is a stretch. Even Lowryders average 18''. Too much experimentation and you risk over-stressing it. Which is why I asked about your goal in this endeavor.

Good luck and good growing.
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