growing in a home in ca.


Hi, im new in this and I want to start growing my own medication indoor at home , but i have a familie .
Anyone that nows about it? How ok it is?Anyone in california that is in that situation that could tell me what would be the right way to do it?
I really appreciate any response!!
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Well first get legal with the state before you start growing and follow all state and county laws having to do with the cultivation of cannabis for medical use. Each county in California has different rules regarding cannabis so check up on those first. There is no right way to grow cannabis. Everyone has their own method. If you want to be as safe as you can possibly be then grow indoor with 1-6 indica plants with leds and cfls, follow all the state and county laws and your chances of being prosecuted are very slim especially with the county and state behind your back because you did not break any of their rules. If your growing cannabis to make money then watch your ass cuse that's when you get in the danger zone even if you are following all the laws. Never sell cannabis that's my advice... Give it away in turn for donations that support you and your garden. That is why a lot of dispensary's ask for donations because they are not allowed to sell it. At least in California. Obama said himself that he would not go after personal growers for medical use. Now you can see all these dispensary's getting raided and even homeowners getting their door kicked down. In all the cases I have heard of or seen those people had more plants than they were legally allowed or were using the whole house for growing and not being very discreet And many dispensary's sadly are hiding behind the medical marijuana mask and growing cannabis for profit and they are making millions off of actually sick people. They are no different than the pharmaceutical industry PROFITING OFF OF PEOPLES SUFFERING! I am from cali to and I'm new to growing. Also I am in the process of getting my card so I can start cultivating cannabis for my private medical use because it has been proven countless times to cure many illnesses. Hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
Hi, im new in this and I want to start growing my own medication indoor at home , but i have a familie .
Anyone that nows about it? How ok it is?Anyone in california that is in that situation that could tell me what would be the right way to do it?
I really appreciate any response!!
Thank you

Check my journal... click on the blue link below =)

-Jugz (from northern ali)

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
spend $35, get card, build room (WITH LOCKS) as long as it is locked and kids can't get to it. you should be legal. Keep rec posted on door.


Well-Known Member
get your medical rec. You're good. Having plants in a house in kids is frowned upon by social services. But there's no law saying you can't have a medical grow with kids living in the same house.

cops friends house. He called them on a disgruntled former room mate that was trying to rob the place. Anyway his kid was 3 years old at the time. The cops saw the grow and saw the paper work on the wall. They said he was ok. They didn't do a thing regarding the garden. That was in Riverside county .


Thank you guys for the info.
Is very scary to think about the child services.
ps. I still accepting suggestions .
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I don't no how all this medical card stuff works and outher things to do with it .......but.........if I were you I would buy a second hand 8ft +4ft tent with all the gear lights'fans'filter' and so on and fuk the state because imo no HARM is being done ........when I zip my tent up I can thread a padlock through my 3 zips then there for making it locktight.....only my op but If you hang around waiting for this and waiting for would maybay have a grow going in .....well......a few years at least.....


Well-Known Member
The most important thing here is what you family's perception about cannabis is. What if a family member finds the plants and they are anti pot? Well that is not good for you. Even though they are family I have heard of family members calling cops on each other (I have actually done this, not related to cannabis though lol). If you are trying to hide your plants from your family then the first thing you want is carbon filter for the smell. You dont need to do ducting unless you use high heat lights therefore leds/cfls are most discreet. The only real way to do it with family in the house is to just tell them especially if you are the man of the house. Read this man find the county you are in: Watch out for fake and sketchy "doctors" the card shouldn't be more than 100 bucks. My friend got his card from a sketch doctor and when he went to the dispensary they said that the doctor who gave him this card was killed so.... yea be careful.


Well-Known Member
Hi, im new in this and I want to start growing my own medication indoor at home , but i have a familie .
Anyone that nows about it? How ok it is?Anyone in california that is in that situation that could tell me what would be the right way to do it?
I really appreciate any response!!
Thank you

Get a second place and get kids out of it. If you can't afford a second place, you prolly can't afford to grow. Kids and growing do not mix


Well-Known Member
Check out these guidelines man if you follow these and are responsible you will never get prosecuted or if you do you will always win.


Well-Known Member
Everyone's got a family - are you talking about living with your children or your parents? If you're talking about your children, then it's your house, I think everything has been covered already.

But if you're talking about growing in your parent's house (without their knowledge and permission), that is a terrible idea! One way or another the shit will hit the fan and it will affect everybody involved.