Every time some one mentions an attic space, I have answered that its like an oven in the summer and a refrigarator in the winter. How tall is the area? There are things you could do to make it work IF you have enough height. You mention seperate rooms so I guess 'I'm growing just one plant' won't apply. What you would need to do is build VERY WELL INSULATED rooms, and get proper ventilation to the rest of the area. Roof vents won't do the job, but I bet they do have a place to draw air from. Go look at your soffits, thats the part under the roof overhang, notice the vents?? The roof vents aren't big enough to pull the air, you need a ridge vent from end to end of your roof. And while your checking out what you need to do to install that, pick up a couple of attic fans to install in all gable ends you have, I have 2-1300 cf/m in my attic, buy the ones that have thier own thermostat, mine come on when it gets 80 degrees. They are on most of the time from mid June til late August. And before you leave the store be sure and get enough sq.ft of non faced insultaion to cover all the rest of the attic floor to an r-value of 38, some say higher. And you will also want to stop by the plumbing department and get supplies to hook up water and sewer lines so you don't have to haul it up to the attic. Sounds like a project to me?? VV