Growing in coco, have a manganese deficiency.


Active Member
Hi folks.

Couple of days ago my girls were showing signs of cal / mag deficiency, as I am in a soft water area. I fed a little too much of the calmag to treat it and as a result have what looks like a moderately severe manganese deficiency. I hear that an overfert of magnesium can cause this.

I was planning to flush then refeed again in a day or two using much less of the cal mag, perhaps a 1/4 strength dose if that.

However, I have read that a foliar feed with a fert containing manganese can help treat the problem a little quicker.

I presume Canna A&B (which I am using for nutes) has manganese in it. Can it be used as a foliar spray? It doesn't say anything on the bottle about it. Has anyone got experience of this? Should I do it? What sort of dilution if so?

PS ph is fine at 6.0, and I am in veg
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Ok, so I flushed the plants with about 5 litres each, then refed with a mild nutrient solution (50% of my regular feed strength) with the magne cal at 1/5 strength and a little root tonic. I hope this was the right action to take, especially since my diagnosis ofc might not be 100% accurate.

WRT the hardness of my water, I have managed to find out that it has 15mg/l as calcium. I don't know how to convert that to EC, or if you even can. I do know this converts to 2.65 "Clarke degrees (English)" whatever that means:) and that mg/l=ppm if that helps!?