Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

The one thing everyone has to remember is Republicans will not control both houses for long or the Governors Office...

They have done enough harm to the state and people are noticing.

We still have Straight ticket voting which will cost them seats this year.

They will never have this type of majority again.
@Dr. Who Thompson's response mirrors my thoughts on this. No change is necessary within "Caregiver" and "Patient Grower" laws for the new Law to have an indirect (or even direct) effect on "Caregivers"/"Patient Growers". The law is written with clear bias towards the State devised Grow/Transport/Dispense system. Anything outside of this Licensed/documented system is now the same as "Black Market".

The "manifest" can easily be used against the Caregiver/Patient. If your eta is off by miscalculation or "speed bumps", or you've deviated even slightly from the "shortest path" to the destination (as stated on the manifest), you're getting "Bofo'd" (if stopped). That's just one way to get popped. Getting pulled over/hassled, not very likely, unless they know that you are a caregiver. Seeing as how the Caregiver program is "under attack", it seems quite plausible that law enforcement will be given the green light (along with addresses and names) to eradicate the "threat", systematically, of course. Crossing your "T's" and dotting your "i's" may not be enough to CYA.

In regards to the new law, it is crucial to "read between the lines".

Only Caregivers must show this "Manifest/Receipt(if applicable)" for only infused products.

Patients will have to show a receipt for Infused Products.

ALL infused products must have a label ( ounces, manufacture, date, and where they got it )

Transporting or possessing marihuana-infused product in a motor vehicle A qualifying patient or primary caregiver would be prohibited from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle except as follows:

For a qualifying patient:
o The product is in a sealed and labeled package carried in the trunk of the vehicle (if there is no trunk, carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle). House Fiscal Agency HB 4210 (H-1)
o The label must state the weight of the marihuana-infused product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the person from whom the product was received, and date of receipt.

For a primary caregiver:
o The product is accompanied by an accurate marihuana transportation manifest and enclosed in a case carried in the trunk of the vehicle (if no trunk, enclosed in a case and carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle).
o The manifest form must state the weight of each marihuana-infused product in ounces, name and address of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, destination name and address, date and time of departure, estimated date and time of arrival, and, if applicable, name and address of the person from whom the product was received and date of receipt.

The bill would not prohibit a caregiver from transporting or possessing a marihuanainfused product in or upon a motor vehicle for the use of his or her own child, spouse, or parent who is a qualified patient if the marihuana-infused product is in a sealed and labeled package that is carried in the trunk of the vehicle (or carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle if it does not have a trunk). The label must state the weight of the product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the qualifying patient, and if applicable, name of the person from whom the marihuanainfused product was received and date of receipt.

Basically that was the one thing republicans never wanted to add, and they have, so they put a tight lid on it.

OH and people need to get out there register to vote and help change things.
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@Uberknot That was just one way to pop a Caregiver. At this point, it's really up to Law Enforcement. Do they go by the "Letter of the Law", or discretion/interpretation of the law. This is MI's Law Enforements stance on it;

"Once the system is up and running, there will be no need for caregivers to grow a product since the patient will be able to access marijuana at the dispensaries," said Ingham County Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth, who testified on behalf of the Michigan Sheriffs' Association.

Then you have Townships enforcing zoning restrictions;

"The new ordinance was created with the intent of reducing the number of registered medical marijuana participants in the Township by limiting use of property by caregivers."

"The Township’s new ordinance, titled AP-15-59, establishes permission for patients to grow marijuana in their primary residence or on a building located on that residence’s property. Caregivers growing any number of plants must do so in the R1 Residential-Agricultural Zone, and that location must be their primary residence."

My guess is that Lyon is just a test subject for such an ordinance, others to follow. It's clear that MI is trying to eliminate the amount of Black Market "Home Grown" herb. Their starting with the caregivers, but it appears the end goal is for 100% of the states MMJ Grows/Transportation/Dispensing to be within their documented system (Read- Taxable).
@Uberknot That was just one way to pop a Caregiver. At this point, it's really up to Law Enforcement. Do they go by the "Letter of the Law", or discretion/interpretation of the law. This is MI's Law Enforements stance on it;

"Once the system is up and running, there will be no need for caregivers to grow a product since the patient will be able to access marijuana at the dispensaries," said Ingham County Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth, who testified on behalf of the Michigan Sheriffs' Association.

Then you have Townships enforcing zoning restrictions;

"The new ordinance was created with the intent of reducing the number of registered medical marijuana participants in the Township by limiting use of property by caregivers."

"The Township’s new ordinance, titled AP-15-59, establishes permission for patients to grow marijuana in their primary residence or on a building located on that residence’s property. Caregivers growing any number of plants must do so in the R1 Residential-Agricultural Zone, and that location must be their primary residence."

My guess is that Lyon is just a test subject for such an ordinance, others to follow. It's clear that MI is trying to eliminate the amount of Black Market "Home Grown" herb. Their starting with the caregivers, but it appears the end goal is for 100% of the states MMJ Grows/Transportation/Dispensing to be within their documented system (Read- Taxable).

Register to Vote and get your family and friends.....send them packing is the way you end it.

Basically just like it got voted in the people have to change the political environment.

If they sit around and do nothing like the last few 2 year cycles...well they knew what their goal was in the first place.

I do not think they will ever go 100% right wing on this as the nation continues to move towards legalization.

That's where I disagree and think medical patients by decree in 2008 63% will always be able to grow.

Now if caregivers continue to subvert, manipulate, break the law, push the envelope...yeah they will get cut down.

Believe it or not these latest bills make it more likely there will be legal cannabis for recreational use.
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That's part of the whole great American Capitalist System............:clap:

Aren't you proud to be an American now! :P

You fail to distinguish between capitalism and crony capitalism which is only possible when the government has too much power and colludes with business interests to fuck everyone else. No doubt, plain old capitalism has it's flaws, but conflating the two is inaccurate at best.
You fail to distinguish between capitalism and crony capitalism which is only possible when the government has too much power and colludes with business interests to fuck everyone else. No doubt, plain old capitalism has it's flaws, but conflating the two is inaccurate at best.

The are one in the same in my book since before the country founded......sometimes it's just worse than others.

Maybe it's my American Indian part that makes me feel this way....still it's been a con all along.
What is considered an infusion under these new acts?

So where are extracts (besides bho ) in all of this? Thank you for your reply!

If it's made to be smoked then it falls under the normal rules for cannabis, If it's made to be taken in any other way it's an infused product.

Revise the definition of "usable marihuana" to include, in addition to dried leaves and flowers, the plant resin or extract of the marihuana plant. (The term does not include the seeds, stalks, or roots of the plant.) House Fiscal Agency HB 4210 (H-1)

Define "marihuana-infused product" to mean a topical formulation, tincture, beverage, edible substance, or similar product containing any usable marihuana that is intended for human consumption in a manner other than smoke inhalation. Marihuana-infused products would not be considered a food for purposes of the Food Law.
Here are the new infused guidelines for weight.

Define "usable marihuana equivalent" as the amount of usable marihuana in a marihuana-infused product. To determine usable marihuana equivalency, the bill would specify that one ounce of usable marihuana would be considered equivalent to
(a) 16 ounces of marihuana-infused product if in a solid form;
(b) 7 grams if in a gaseous form; and
(c) 72 fluid ounces if in a liquid form. In determining whether a patient or primary caregiver did not exceed the 2.5 ounces-per-patient possession limit, the combined total of both usable marijuana equivalents and usable marihuana would have to be considered. Marihuana-infused product A registered qualifying patient who was manufacturing a marihuana-infused product for personal use, or a registered primary caregiver manufacturing for the use of his or her qualifying patient, would not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including, but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau.
just think . white castle thc injected burgers ! it will solve the digestion numb you all up and more you eat the more you get hungry . sounds like a win win . eat the best food and really enjoy it . suggest watching Harold and kumar go to white castles movie .before you go eat . if you have never seen this check it out its like cheech and chung
I read the bills passed and it specifically states both the commercial side and the caregiver side. Caregivers will no longer be able to give overages to dispensaries. Caregivers can still supply their patients registered with LARA. The commercial side is the only thing that mentioned seed to sale tracking. If I'm wrong please quote where is says otherwise.
I read the bills passed and it specifically states both the commercial side and the caregiver side. Caregivers will no longer be able to give overages to dispensaries. Caregivers can still supply their patients registered with LARA. The commercial side is the only thing that mentioned seed to sale tracking. If I'm wrong please quote where is says otherwise.

It's already hashed out in the thread....retail is retail ......medical is medical.

Nothing changed for the MMMA and infused products and rules were added.